The membership of the Organization shall be open to Entities of good professional reputation and standing who have been connected with the resort development industry for at least one year.
All applications for membership must be made on the prescribed form and be accompanied by any required supporting information and relevant documents.
The applications for membership are subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
The Organization has the following categories of Membership:
Full Membership - US$5,000 per annum
Associate Membership - US $1,500 per annum
The Organization may at any time create different classes of members and may provide for annual membership fees and subscriptions and define their respective rights and privileges. The decision of the Organization’s Executive Committee will be final in all cases.
Full Members: A firm or company having established place of business in the Asia-Pacific region whose primary business is the development, operation, marketing of timeshare resort, club or program shall be eligible for membership as a Full Member of the Organization provided an application is made and accepted by the Executive Committee. This is the only membership category with voting rights at general meetings of the Organisation.
Associate Members: Other entities operating within the Asia-Pacific region who are participating or have an interest in the resort development industry and wish to support the Organization shall be eligible for associate membership. Associate Members shall have no right to vote at general meetings of the Organization but are eligible to participate in members committees and activities.
A member may resign from membership of the Organization with at least fourteen days’ prior notice. [Subscription fees are non-refundable.] The annual subscription for all Members shall become due and payable within 30 days of the issue of a Membership Subscription Invoice.
The following criteria are proposed regarding applications for Membership of APRDO:
Developer Members
Applications for Membership by Developers will be considered where Developers:
Can demonstrate a track record of high quality hotel, resort, condominium and/or mixed-use development projects;
Have an appropriate breadth of management skills and in-house hospitality industry operational expertise;
Have adequate levels of liquidity as evidenced by the Applicant’s most recent Balance Sheet;
Undertake to comply with the APRDO Code of Ethics and Best Practice Guidelines.
Service Providers
Should be able to demonstrate proven international expertise within their specific discipline(s), based upon participation within the timeshare industry over time, as well as a by reference to their specific standing and general reputation;
In the case of Specialist Independent Trust Companies who may act as Trustees, Administrators and Escrow Agents, such Companies should be capitalized at not less than SGD$ 450,000 fully paid up [equivalent to USD $335,000 or £250,000]. Trustees should also carry a sufficient level of Professional Indemnity Insurance.
Independent Management Companies should be able to demonstrate a sufficient track record in professional resort management and member servicing capabilities and should be adequately capitalized.
Professional Advisors
Should have demonstrable expertise within the timeshare and resort development sector within each of the jurisdictions in which they practice;
Have proven expertise in structuring shared ownership projects and an understanding of shared ownership resort operations;
Be well versed in consumer protection regulations for the jurisdictions in which they practice;
Should be prepared to contribute to APRDO’s activities through the publication of newsletters and legal bulletins on the APRDO website.
Download the APRDO Membership Application